Thursday, November 18, 2010

Who am I....

Who am I, is something I believe many ask themselves….

Who am I is who you are and what you want to be. It’s also who you believe you are, but then sometimes you aren’t really who you are portray to be or thought you were.

I’m starting this blog not for people to really get any insight as to who I am, but to possibly get that insight myself as to who I really am. I most defiantly will not blog every day, nor every other day, will it probably be when ever I remember it, possibly.

A couple years ago I started to write this story “About Me” and within that story it was my life, amazing that it was so sad. It’s funny have you ever sat down and thought about your own life, not just the life you want to remember, but the entire life itself. It really is a scary and sad thing. I could go on and on about the hardships and unhappy moments in my life, but seriously who wants that? Not me, I don’t want to go on reading about how horrible someone’s life is I want to hear about the happy and fun. So here it goes I am going to try and fill you in on “Who I am.”

I was born to a single mother who raised me like no other; she did everything that she could for me and more. I also was surrounded by my grandparents, aunts, cousins, and many family friends that were just like family. I was an only child and loved every minute of it until there was something that you had to have others join in, and then I was lonely. I’m not going to lie and say that we were the happiest family that there was because we all have those skeletons that we don’t allow out, but we were happy.


Fast forward some years later as I became an adult, I met my best friend in January 2000, and ever since we have been madly in love with one another. January 2000 changed my life completely when I met David (who became my husband almost 10 yrs later). However even as I try to spin how wonderful that year was I can not hide the fact that it was the start of a horrible year and decade to follow.

You see I try not to go into the sadness that has gone on in my life, but yet it is something that is so profound in my life that I just can’t hide it, but I’ll leave it alone….for now.

So why blog now at the age of 29? Why not is why I say? So here is to my new adventure into the blogging world…..who’s excited!!!!!

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